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  • 鲁统宇,2011年毕业于香港中文大学统计系,获哲学博士学位。在定序数据的统计推断、潜变量模型、多重检验等学科领域取得了一系列重要的研究成果,在国际权威学术期刊发表多篇SSCI及SCI论文,多次参加国际学术会议并做报告。同时,注重大数据分析方法与量化投资、信用评级、风险管理等金融工程领域的交叉融合研究。目前的研究主要聚焦在三大方向:(一)基础统计理论方法的研究,着重在定序回归模型的高维统计推断、临床医学统计方法、多重比较理论等领域开展基础理论方法的研究和创新;(二)大数据算法及应用研究,着重在可解释性机器学习、集成算法、信用评级、量化金融等领域开展理论方法及应用研究。(三)社会统计与社会评价方法研究,重点关注共同富裕评价、社会发展监测、社会信用评价、社会调研等领域的现实问题研究。


  • 金融数学(双语、本科)



  • •Xu W., Hou Y., Lu T.Y. (2023). Multiple assessments of non-inferiority trials with ordinal endpoints. Statistics in Medicine. 2023;1-14. doi: 10.1002/sim.9660.

    •崔俊、鲁统宇、任婷婷(2022). 不同付费模式下评级机构的评级标准变化. 上海金融,7期,2-17.

    •任婷婷、鲁统宇、崔俊(2021). 基于改进AdaBoost算法的动态不平衡财务预警模型. 数量经济技术经济研究, 11期,182-197.

    •Lu T.Y., Chung K.P., Poon W.Y., and Cheung S.H. (2020). Response-Adaptive Treatment Allocation for Clinical Studies with Ordinal Responses. Statistical Methods in Medical Research.29,359-373.

    •Lu, T.Y., Lin, Y. and Zhong, J. (2017). Pairwise comparisons of treatments with ordinal responses in a two-way setting. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 46, 10549-10563.

    •Lu, T.Y., Poon, W.Y., and Cheung, S.H. (2016). Multiple comparisons of treatments with skewed ordinal responses. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 104, 223-232.

    •Lu, T.Y., Poon, W.Y., and Cheung, S.H. (2016). Comparison of two treatments with skewed ordinal responses. Statistics in Medicine, 35, 189-201.

    •Lu, T.Y., Poon, W.Y., and Cheung, S.H. (2015). Multiple comparisons with a control for a latent variable model with ordered categorical responses, Statistical Methods in Medical Research,24, 949-967.

    •Lu, T.Y., Poon, W.Y., and Cheung, S.H. (2014). A unified framework for the comparison of treatments with ordinal responses. Psychometrika, 79, 605-620.

    •Lu, T.Y., Poon, W.Y., and Tsang, Y.F. (2011). Latent growth curve modeling for longitudinal ordinal responses with applications. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,55, 1488-1497.

  • •国家自然科学基金面上项目:“广义定序回归模型的高维统计推断及其应用”,2021.01-2024.12,主持,完成;








  • •学术报告,统计学与数据科学青年学者论坛,中国人民大学统计与大数据研究院,2018.11.

    •学术报告,the 38th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, Vigo, Spain, July 9-13,2017.

    •学术报告,the 4th Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK, June 27–30,2016.

    •学术报告, the 44th Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Brock University, St. Catharines, Canada, May 29–June 1,2016.

    •学术报告, the 35th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, University of Vienna, Austria, August 24-28,2014

    •学术报告, the Ninth ICSA International Conference, Hong Kong Baptist University, December 20-23,2013.

    •学术报告, the 8th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures, University of Southampton, UK, July 8-11,2013.

    •学术报告, the 7th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures. Washington, D.C., USA, August 29–September 1,2011.